Price: $47.17

    Item #: 305732450421
    Availability: In Stock
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    In Stock Quantity: 28

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    NEXIUM 24HR IS FINALLY HERE. The Purple Pill is now available without a prescription for the treatment of frequent heartburn.

  • #1 DOCTOR-PRESCRIBED ACID-BLOCKER BRAND: Millions of people have safely and effectively taken prescription NEXIUM. Now, the same medicine, esomeprazole, is available without a prescription for the treatment of frequent heartburn in Nexium 24HR.
  • 24HR PROTECTION: Just one pill a day gives you 24 hours of protection from frequent heartburn, all day and all night.
  • HOW NEXIUM 24HR WORKS: Nexium 24HR is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). Proton pumps are your body's acid pumps, which are located on the cells that line your stomach. Nexium 24HR works by blocking acid at the pump, giving you 24 hours of protection from frequent heartburn when used as directed. In fact, PPIs like Nexium 24HR are the only FDA-approved medication for over-the-counter treatment of frequent heartburn.